We are pleased to announce that Disgust, the latest issue of Skepsi, is now on-line.

Click image of front cover to see more.


Congratulations to Melanie Dilly on being awarded her Doctorate recently. READ MORE

Melanie was one of the Board from 2013 to 2016 and was particularly involved with the Secrets Conference of 2014, as well as Ghosts in the Flesh and Disgust, the Conferences in 2013 and 2015 respectively. We wish her the very best for the future.

Skepsi’s Eleventh Year

At the start of a new academic year, we’ve said ‘Good bye’ to last year’s Assistants, David Bremner, Dominique Carlini Versini, and Joyce Leung, but we give a warm welcome to our new Assistants Silvia Esposito, Muradiye Kiyak, Zsofia Millich and Mihaela Varsari.
The new issue of Skespi, our on-line journal, will be published very soon, so watch out for further announcements. We’re also well advanced with the next issue, which we aim to publish next Spring.
We’re already beginning to plan for our next annual conference next May, which will be dedicated to the themes of ‘Wandering’ and ‘Home’. More details will be included in the Call for Papers which will be circulated later this term.
Finally, it’s never too late to join the Skepsi team, so, if you’d like to be involved with either the organisation of the conference, the production of the journal, or managing this Blog, please contact us at

Skepsi’s Tenth Annual Conference: Time to Remember, 26th May 2017- programme is now available!

Click HERE for the final programme.

Skepsi’s Tenth Annual Interdisciplinary Conference — Call for Papers on ‘Time to Remember: Anniversaries, Celebration and Commemoration’

Time to Remember: Anniversaries, Celebration and Commemoration

Skepsi’s Tenth Annual Interdisciplinary Conference — Call for Papers

26th May 2017 —- University of Kent, Canterbury

School of European Culture and Languages

Click HERE for Call for Papers