Category: Announcements

Wandering and Home: Skepsi’s Eleventh Conference

The conference programme can be viewed HERE 25 May 2018: Grimond Building, Seminar Room 3

Wandering and Home: Skepsi’s Eleventh Conference

A date for your diary. The conference programme will be available shortly.  


Congratulations to Marine Authier on being awarded her doctorate recently for her thesis La Peu el la partie dans l’oeuvre de Marcel Proust. Marine was a member of Skepsi‘s Board from 2014 to 2016 and was particularly involved with organising Disgust, our 2016 Conference.

2018 Conference

Wandering and Home — Skepsi‘s eleventh annual interdisciplinary conference University of Kent — Friday, 25 May 2018  The focus of this year’s conference is to investigate the ambiguous relationship between the concepts of ‘Wandering’ and ‘Home’. We are pleased to welcome as our Keynote Speaker Professor Rachel Bowlby, of UCL (more here). More information is given …

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Congratulations to Kate Limond, who’s been one of Skepsi‘s team of copy editors and proof readers since the third issue (Volume 2 (2) Autumn 2009), on being awarded her doctorate by the University of Exeter on 17 November with her thesis Authorship and Strategies of Representation in the Fiction of A.S.. Byatt.