Become a SAC Student Rep

Become a SAC Student Rep for 2018-19

Student Reps are a vital link between the student body, Kent Union and the University. They are volunteers which are elected by their peers to represent them and act as the first port of call for any suggestions, comments or queries about the course/s they represent.

  • Enhance your employability and develop leadership, communication and meetings skills
  • Network and meet new people
  • Log your volunteering hours on Kent Student Certificate in Volunteering (KSCV) award
  • Help to shape the development of Higher Education at Kent and make a real difference to the student experience of yourself and your peers

Following on from the Kent Union elections, we still have the following Student Rep positions available in SAC:

  • Stage 2 Social Anthropology
  • Stage 2 Wildlife Conservation/ Environmental Social Science/ Human Ecology
  • Stage 3 Wildlife Conservation/ Environmental Social Science/ Human Ecology

If you would like to volunteer for one of these positions, please contact Ayesha Barnes