Gerry Ryan talk – TODAY

“Juggling science, politics, and conservation in the Mekong dolphin circus” is the title for Gerry Ryan’s talk today. Gerry joins us from University of Melbourne. … Read more

Kent Student Award Winner

Christiane Howe, Social Anthropology with a year in the Netherlands, has won the award for Outstanding Contribution to Sport Development. Huge congratulations go to Christiane.  … Read more

Who’s going to save the world?

Dr Simon Black speaks at ZSL Institute of Zoology’s seminar on. “Who’s going to save the world? Building the next generation of conservation leaders” The … Read more

Exhibition and Screening

Peopling Places, Wednesday 29th May, 1.30-6.30pm in Marlowe Lecture Theatre 1 and Foyer. Peopling Places, an exhibition and screening of third year visual anthropology projects, … Read more

Visiting Researcher

The school welcomes Omani field biologist Hadi Al-Hikmani who will be working in the conservation genetics laboratory during a month-long research visit this May. Hadi … Read more