About me
I am currently a post-doc at the TU Chemnitz, under supervision of Prof Christian Sevenheck. Before, I was an Early Career Fellow of the London Mathematical Society, with support from the Heilbronn Institute for Mathematical Research, and hosted by Prof Nicolas Perrin at the Laboratoire de Mathématiques de Versailles. I did my PhD under supervision of Dr Clélia Pech and Prof Andrew Hone at the University of Kent, in Canterbury (UK). I did my Master’s and Bachelor’s degrees in Mathematics and Theoretical Physics at the University of Amsterdam (the Netherlands).
My current research concerns mirror symmetry for (quasi-)cominuscule homogeneous spaces. I have a special interest in the Cayley plane (type E6) and the Freudenthal variety (type E7).
- Laurent polynomial Landau-Ginzburg models for cominuscule homogeneous spaces, Transformation Groups, https://doi.org/10.1007/s00031-020-09636-7, 2021 (see also arxiv.org/abs/1912.09122)
Also summarized in Oberwolfach Workshop Report 2020, 10, p.16-18
External Talks
- Conference “IMPANGA 20” (online, Bedlewo, Poland), 14/07/2021:
Landau-Ginzburg models for the small quantum cohomology of cominuscule homogeneous spaces
- COW Junior Algebraic Geometers’ seminar (online, UK), 18/06/2021:
Landau-Ginzburg models for the small quantum cohomology of cominuscule homogeneous spaces
- Conference “Quantum Groups and Cohomology Theory of Quiver and Flag Varieties” (online, CIRM Marseille, France), 16/12/2020:
Mirror symmetry for cominuscule homogeneous spaces - Stockholm Mathematics Center, Algebra & Geometry seminar (online, Stockholm U., Sweden), 04/12/2020: Mirror symmetry for cominuscule homogeneous spaces
- COW/EmSG/GLEN joint summer school (online, UK), mini-presentation, 08/08/2020: Laurent polynomial Landau-Ginzburg models for cominuscule homogeneous spaces
- Mini-workshop “Superpotentials in algebra and geometry”
(Mathematisches Forschungsinstitut Oberwolfach, Germany), 25/02/20:
Laurent polynomial potentials for cominuscule homogeneous spaces - Conference “Géométrie Algébrique en Liberté” (U. of Bucharest, Romania), 21/06/19: Introducing Mirror Symmetry for Homogeneous Spaces
- Workshop “Tropical Geometry meets Representation Theory II” (U. of Leicester), 11/04/19: Introducing Mirror Symmetry for Homogeneous Spaces
- Junior Algebraic geometry Warwick Seminar (U. of Warwick), 22/10/18:
Mirror Symmetry for Homogeneous Spaces - Workshop “Cluster Algebras and Algebraic Geometry” (U. of Nottingham), 13/07/18: Constructing a Mirror for the Cayley Plane
Full list of talks >>
Recent Conferences & Workshops
- Conference “IMPANGA 20“, online, Bedlewo, Poland, 12-16/07/2021 ⁕
- Summer school “Enumerative geometry, Physics and Representation Theory“, online, IHÉS, Paris, France, 05-16/07/2021
- Summer school “On Mirror Symmetry and Moduli Spaces 2021“, online, U. Lisboa, Portugal, 29-30/06/2021
- Workshop “Compactifications of stability manifolds”, online, MPIM Bonn, Germany, 8/05/2021
- Conference “Quantum Groups and Cohomology Theory of Quiver and Flag Varieties” online, CIRM Marseille, France, 16/12/2020
- COW/EmSG/GLEN joint summer school, online, 07-11/09/20
- Workshop “Mirror Symmetry and Cluster Algebras”, U. of Cambridge, UK,
15-18/07/19 - GAeL Conference, U. of Bucharest, Romania, 17-21/06/19
- “4th British Algebraic Geometers Meeting”, U. of Liverpool, UK, 24-26/04/19
- Workshop “Tropical Geometry meets Representation Theory II”, U. of Leicester, UK, 08-12/04/19
- Conference “Mirrors in the Midlands”, U. of Birmingham, UK, 01-03/04/19
- Workshop “Geometry and Mathematical Physics”, Loughborough U., UK,
Full list >>