The Kent Law School Graduate Conference Organising Committee is pleased to announce that the 10th annual KLS Graduate Law Student Conference will take place jointly with the annual Kent Critical Law Student Conference on 9th & 10th June 2022.
This year’s theme is ‘Revisiting the Meaning of Sovereignty’ and will be held as a hybrid conference at Kennedy Wong Moot Court in the Wigoder Law Building, University of Kent, allowing presenters and attendees to participate both online and in person. The conference aims to critically explore the concept of sovereignty from an interdisciplinary perspective by revisiting the meaning of sovereignty as a result of the changing global legal, political and social contexts.
The theme is fully explained in the conference’s ‘Call for Papers’ (attached). We particularly invite reflections on sovereignty in relation to, but not limited to, issues of climate change, transnational and organised crimes, terrorism, nuclear weapons proliferation, human rights protection and free trade.
We invite interdisciplinary commentary on the conference theme as well as insights taking critical legal approaches. Applicants are invited to think broadly about the theme in their own work and to present on a topic of their choosing in a relaxed, friendly and intellectually stimulating environment.
To apply to present a paper: Submit a 250 word abstract to: by MAY 10TH
Detailed content and schedule of the Conference will be announced later.
We sincerely look forward to seeing you at this year’s Conference,
Kent Law School Graduate Conference Organising Committee