Pure Form

The relationship between men and stone dates back to the inception of time itself. Whether through a genesis involving a supreme being or as culmination … Read more

Lifting the veil for Dreamland

On Sunday 22nd March, Howard Griffin, MA Architecture and Visualisation Programme Director successfully projected onto the side of the old Dreamland cinema building in Margate. … Read more

Immersive architecture

Imagine that in front of you stood a door, and I told you that on passing through this door you would be transported 160 million … Read more

Lifting the veil for Dreamland

Howard Griffin, MA Architecture and Visualisation Programme Director will be projecting at Dreamland Cinema this Sunday 22nd March from 7pm. Please come and show your … Read more

Student Profile – Srimathi Aiyer

Srimathi Aiyer 5th Year Master in Architecture (MArch) Student I was brought up in Stratford, East London, with a family originating from South India. I … Read more

Architecture Careers Day

  Our annual Careers Day event took place this Thursday 5th March in the Marlowe Building. Primarily aimed at final year undergraduate students, the aim … Read more