The deadline for submissions to the Colloquium is now passed and the review process has begun. Hopefully we should have a programme is a few weeks: watch this space!
Vittorio at the GRS on Wednesday
Come and listen to Vittorio talk on why ‘Necessitarianism is not the only way’, in the usual place at the usual time.
Final CfA for the Colloquium
Second CFA for the Colloquium
Hugh at the GRS on Wednesday
Come and hear Hugh – on Epistemic Injustice in Chronic Fatigue Syndrome/Myalgic Encephalomyopathy – this Wednesday in the usual place at the usual time.
Maria at the GRS on Wednesday
Come and listen to Maria – on the liberal conception of the self and human-made climate change – at the usual time and place.
Colloquium CFA now live
The Call for Abstracts for our Colloquium is now live. You can find it here. Get your abstracts in! The deadline is 20 March 2022.
Date for Colloquium
The date for our Colloquium in the summer is 20–21 June 2022. Hope you can all make it! The PhilEvents page is here.
Elliot at the GRS on Wednesday
Come and listen to Elliot on ‘Reason Responsiveness in Mania’, tomorrow at the usual place and time.
New PhiGS site!
The new PhiGS site is online, at and you are looking at it. There are still some bits missing, but any comments or recommendations for changes are welcome.