Come along on Teams, at the usual time this Wednesday, to hear Vittorio talk on ‘A Peircean response to ontic structural realism’. The abstract can be found here.
Elliot at the GRS on Wednesday
Tune in on Teams, at the usual time this Wednesday, to hear Elliot talk on ‘Urgency as (meta)normative phenomenon’. The abstract can be found here.
David at the GRS on Wednesday
Come and hear David talk on ‘Role ethics and “natural goodness”’, this Wednesday at the usual time and place. (Abstract)
AJ at the GRS on Wednesday
Come and hear AJ talk on `Graphic Approaches: An Experimental Theoretical Analysis of Pornographic Creation’, this Wednesday at the usual time and place. (Abstract)
Joel at the GRS on Wednesday
This Wednesday, come and listen to Joel speaking on the topic of ‘Testimony’s Role in Agreement and Disagreement’. (This talk will be online only.)
Joel and Vittorio at Conference
Our very own Joel and Vittorio are both speaking at the inaugural conference of the British Society for the Theory of Knowledge (BSTK), running 5–7 September 2022 at the University of Glasgow. Congratulations and good luck to both of them! The Kent presence in Glasgow is further boosted by Michael Wilde also presenting a paper at the conference.
Online Registration Still Open
The deadline for in-person registration for this year’s Colloquium is now passed, but you can still register to attend via zoom. Find the details here. So what are you waiting for?
Colloquium Registration Now Open
Registration for attending this year’s colloquium is now open. The Colloquium itself is completely free to attend, though the conference dinner at the end of the first day comes at an extra cost. The registration deadline for in-person attendance is 20 May 2022, and for online participation it is 13 June 2022. For more details see the PhilEvents page.
Colloquium Programme
Elliot and Hugh at Conference
Our very own Elliot and Hugh are giving talks at the Epistemic Injustice Conference organised by the African Centre for Epistemology and Philosophy of Science at the University of Johannesburg. The conference runs 29–30 March and is accessible by zoom: details can be found here. Congratulations and good luck to both!