The graduate research seminars are regular events throughout the Autumn and Spring terms, and sometimes into the Summer. Each one consists of a talk of approximately 30 minutes, followed by about 30 minutes of Q&A.
This is a forum where postgraduate researchers – either PhD or MA – can present their work in progress in a supportive environment of their peers. It is a perfect space to organise and rehearse arguments from research and to gain valuable presenting experience. We invite a member of staff as well, to provide advice on style and exposition, and to pick up on any issues we postgrads may otherwise miss.
Whether the talk is the first a new postgraduate gives, or a practice run for a conference paper by a more experienced campaigner, PhiGS, as a community of inquirers, are here to help and support that research – and its researcher – not to knock it down, so criticism and analysis in this forum can always be expected to be constructive.
Here are the programmes, with abstracts, for recent seminar series:
Archived GRS
GRS Programme, Autumn 2020
GRS Programme, Spring 2021
GRS Programme, Autumn 2021
GRS Programme, Spring 2022
GRS Programme, Autumn 2022