2023 Programme — 2023 Abstracts
Day 1 | 21 June 2023
10.30–11.00 Gathering and Greetings
11.00–11.50 Konstanty Kuzma – Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich
The Three Reasons Behind John McDowell’s Structural Identity Thesis
11.50–12.40 Jo Payne- University of York
Inequality and Moral Incentives
12.40–1.40 Lunch
1.40–2.30 Jacob Leo Blitz – The University of Arizona
Impersistent Roles and Justifying Role Obligations
2.30–3.20 Sara Chan – The University of Notre Dame
The Authority of Personal Testimony About Disability
3.20–3.40 Tea Break
4.30–5.20 Hugh Robertson-Ritchie – The University of Kent
Why Some Disease Definitions Are More Trouble Than They Are Worth, and What
We Could Do Instead.
6.00 Conference Dinner – Approx. £20
Day 2 | 22 June 2023
10:00 Welcome back
10:10–11.00 Brian Kett- The University of Kent
Causation: Another Facet or More?
11.00–11.50 Vittorio Serra- The University of Kent
Reality Versus Fiction in Peirce
11.50–12.40 Shih-Hao Liu- University of Miami
Philosophical Skepticism, Unconceived
Serious Objections, and Modal Skepticism
12.40–1.40 Lunch
1.40–2.30 Marlon Rivas Tinoco – The University of Georgia
Believing Rationally Given Your Actual Beliefs: on One Objection to Susanna
Rinard’s Theory of Rational Beliefs
2.30–3.20 Petar Nurkic – University of Belgrade
Epistemic Jenga: How to Build a Trustworthy Scientific Team
3.20–3.40 Tea Break
3.40–4.30 Maria Skoutaridou – The University of Kent
Mill’s Idea of Individuality in “On Liberty:
Utility or Virtue?”
4.30–5.20 Levi Smith – Western Michigan University
Considering Inductive Risk in the
Context of COVID-19
5.20 Wine Reception