27th November 2012: Dr Simon Raby [1], Head of SME Partnerships Researcher for the Centre for Employment, Competitiveness and Growth at Kent Business School talked with Kent Business Radio [2]about working with ambitious owner-managers of SMEs, specifically the ten characteristics that define better performing businesses. These characteristics, known as ‘The BIG Ten’, form part of a wider Business Improvement and Growth (BIG) initiative which helps ambitious owner-managers, and those with whom they work, access and apply the latest in management thinking. The Kent Business School’s vision is to become the ‘go to’ place for SME research and owner-manager support. We aspire to create a supportive, accessible and applicable learning environment within which owner-managers feel able to challenge their established mindsets and embrace new ways of working in order to create a better future for themselves and their business. To find out more why not visit our dedicated website.
Expert Comment: Dr Simon Raby speaks with Kent Business Radio about SMEs