Trading game winner: ‘My goal was to make as much money as I could!’

A picture of Adam Tew

Last December students studying BSc Finance and Investment were able to take part in an exciting trading game competition, led by Dr Nikolaos Voukelatos.

Each participant was allocated 100,000 of virtual money to invest in stocks in any way that they saw fit.

Nikolaos explains: ‘They could trade as frequently or infrequently as they wanted, and they could buy or short-sell any stock. The winner was the participant whose portfolio had the highest value at the end of the trading period.’

The trading period ran from 23rd of October to 15th December 2022 via MarketWatch a financial services firm. The winner we are pleased to announce was Adam Tew.

Adam says: ‘I got an email from my course leader, Nikos, about a finance trading game being offered to all students. As a competitive person and thought it would also aid my employability prospects when writing my CV for jobs in the future.

My strategy was to buy companies that were cheap when compared to operating profits/enterprise value, if a company had a strong ratio in its business model, I would buy it. For example, Google was worth 19x earnings for 20% growth around august and the stock hasn’t moved much so I decided to buy it and it went up about 5% for me.

My other plan was to short companies that were burning cash, so if it was a growth stock in its early phases or any ad stocks I would short, or if a stock I thought was overvalued due to the inflation in stock prices throughout the pandemic.

It felt good winning, it made me more interested in the stock market and trading, I have been much more motivated and have followed more stocks and have been checking on stocks daily since the start of the trading competition. I would love to improve my skills in trading and investing and the game has definitely made me inspired to achieve more.’

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