Kent Business School is pleased to welcome Professor Wolfgang Glänzel
Wolfgang Glänzel is Full Professor at KU Leuven and Director of the Centre for R&D Monitoring. He is also Senior Scientist at the Dept. Science Policy & Scientometrics at the Library of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences in Budapest. Wolfgang Glänzel studied mathematics in Budapest (Hungary). He holds a doctorate in mathematics from Eötvös Lorand University Budapest as well as a PhD in Social Sciences from University Leiden (Netherlands). He worked about twenty years at the Library of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences and he was Alexander von Humboldt Fellow for two years in Germany.
Since 2002 he works and lives in Leuven (Belgium). Wolfgang Glänzel is Editor-in-Chief of the international journal Scientometrics, Academic Editor of the journal PLoS One and Secretary-Treasurer of the International Society for Scientometrics and Informetrics (ISSI).
Wolfgang Glänzel is the author, co-author or co-editor of several books and more than 300 publications in international journals and conference proceedings. He has published in probability theory and mathematical statistics, computer science and various topics in quantitative science studies, scientometrics and informetrics. In 1999 he received the international Derek deSolla Price Award for outstanding contributions to the quantitative studies of science. Professors Glanzel and Meyer have collaborated on a number of projects which have led to conference and working papers. The plan is to translate them into further journal publications.