Kent Business School Director Responds to the EU Referendum

In light of the recent European Referendum Result, figures within the higher education sector are responding to the news that the United Kingdom has voted to leave the European Union. But it may not be all doom and gloom. As Kent Business School Director of School, Professor Martin Meyer discusses, the University’s status as the UK’s European University will remain unchanged, despite the uncertainties of the future.

Statement from Martin Meyer

‘At the University of Kent, we view ourselves as the UK’s European University. In recent weeks, many members of our community – students, staff, alumni, and external stakeholders – have been discussing the potential implications of Brexit. The question arose as to whether we, as the Business School of the UK’s European University, would continue our strategic focus on Europe. The answer is a resounding Yes! Ja! Oui! and Si!

‘For one, geographies have not changed – we are still located at the heart of Europe, based in the region linking the UK’s economic heartland to Europe’s political and cultural centres.  The countries of the European Union will remain our biggest trading partners. What has changed is that we are facing greater uncertainty about our future trading arrangements and the way we engage with ‘Europe’.

‘Our School has a track record of preparing its students for doing business in Europe, whether they are on our undergraduate or postgraduate programmes. With more than half of our academic staff from outside the UK, we are amongst the most diverse and internationally positioned schools in our area and can truly offer country expertise for most major economies in Europe and further afield. We believe this expertise will become even more relevant and are keen to work with our stakeholders to tackle uncertainties and make the most of the opportunities the future holds.’


As the University enters into a period of uncertainty following the outcome of the EU referendum, The University of Kent has renewed its commitment to remain European. The University will work with the rest of the sector to ensure the best possible arrangements are in place to support it’s European and international staff and students, and enable it to continue to provide a first class experience for all students and produce world-class research.


In a statement to staff and students, the Vice-Chancellor Professor Dame Julia Goodfellow said:

‘The University of Kent is proud to be outward facing and international. We are especially proud of our diverse student body and our European and international staff. We recognise that we benefit greatly from this diversity.

‘I am naturally disappointed at the result of the EU referendum. It reflects neither my personal views nor those of the University. I recognise, nonetheless, the democratic process that has led to this outcome.’ Read the full article here.

While studying at the University of Kent there are a wide range of European opportunities for students, ranging from studying programmes or modules with European features or research angles to mixing with a diverse European and international community. This includes the European Study Tour available to students studying on The Kent MBA programme. To find out more about how to take advantage of the University of Kent as The European University, click here.

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