Kent Business School’s expertise in employee engagement has been endorsed by invitations extended to Professor Katie Truss to present on the topic at several high-profile events over recent weeks: the Kent CIPD Branch Centenary Conference, the South-West London CIPD Branch Annual General Meeting, the Surrey and NE Hants CIPD Branch Meeting and the Engineering Employers’ Federation SE Regional Workshop. Katie was also invited to contribute an article on the role of the line manager in raising engagement levels for the HR Zone ‘Employee Engagement Toolkit’ distributed nationally with the Guardian newspaper. She has also led a Special Interest Group for Engage for Success on the link between job design and engagement and has just published the ‘White Paper’ ‘Job Design and Employee Engagement’ with Engage for Success: She has recently been invited to become a Trustee and Director of the Involvement and Participation Association (IPA) in recognition of her contribution to the engagement debate.
Employee Engagement at Kent Business School