All welcome | Saturday May 16th 2015
BFWG holds a Research Presentations Day each year at which women postgraduate students are invited to give short presentations of their research work to a general audience. A prize of £100 is offered for the presentation judged ‘best’ in terms of quality of presentation and ability to communicate the subject to an educated but general audience. Those interested in making a presentation should go to to download an abstract submission form. Abstracts should be submitted to
Closing date for abstracts is Friday March 20th 2015
It may be necessary to make a selection from abstracts submitted if there are too many entries for the time available. Please note: BFWG is not able to pay travel or other expenses.
All undergraduates, postgraduates, members of BFWG and others who are interested will be very welcome to attend the RPD even if they do not wish to submit a paper. There is no charge for bona fide students, whether or not they are presenting a paper, but there is a charge of £10 on the door for others. (A sandwich lunch is provided). The Research Presentations Day is usually a good opportunity to meet other postgraduate women students and to look objectively at the presentation styles of others. It can be a useful learning experience and an opportunity for networking.
If you wish to attend the day please contact: Dr Elizabeth Poskitt: if possible before May 9th 2015 .
Venue: BFWG HQ, 4 Mandeville Courtyard, 142 Battersea Park Road, London SW11 4NB