Contacting the Payments Office

When contacting the Payments Office, please ensure that all emails are sent to rather than to individual members of staff.  This will ensure that … Read more

Change to Cheque Run Days

From 1st August 2018 we will no longer be raising cheques on Mondays and Wednesdays. They will now be raised once a week on Thursdays … Read more

Finance Staff Update

Please join us in welcoming Vicky Gatward-Warner into her new role of Treasury Accountant. Ella Wood has also been appointed a new role of Finance … Read more

Avoiding Invoice Duplication

Following a recent audit on the Payments Office looking at the potential risk in making duplicate payments, we would like to highlight the importance when … Read more

Payment Performance Statistics

  Back in the summer we informed you of the University’s statuary requirement to publish its payment performance statistics. These statistics will be published from the … Read more