Internship with TMLEP

The EP Team recently caught up with James Whitehead (Kent Law School), who is currently undertaking a 10-week internship at TMLEP. TMLEP is an independent … Read more

University of Kent

The University of Kent is one of the UK’s leading European University’s with several campuses across Kent and Europe. Rewards 2019-20 The Office of the … Read more

Internship with Sevenoaks Town Council

The EP Team caught up with Holly-Jayne Wilkinson (English Language and Linguistics, stage 2) mid-way through her 10-week internship with Sevenoaks Town Council to see … Read more

Internship with VisionMetric

Visionmetric is the UK’s leading provider of facial composite identification software and training. Since 2016, VisionMetric have sponsored the EP Scheme through providing students with … Read more

Work Experience with Dstl

The EP team recently caught-up with Margaret Archibong, Holly-Jayne Wilkinson, Joe Day, Lauren Thynne, Sabrina Iannazzone and Anna Steinmeier who are working on various activities … Read more

Internship with Sustainability Monitor

Sustainability Monitor specialises in sustainability in the global fashion and advertising sectors. Since 2016, Sustainability Monitor  have provided EP students with placements focused on statistical … Read more

Work Experience with KMTV

Kirby Talines was successful in his application for a two-week work experience placement with KMTV. This placement entailed working in a professional television studio, working … Read more