Author Archives: rm457
Blog Post: Term-time holidays: Where most children were absent
Term-time holidays: Where most children were absent This article states that term time holidays ‘accounted for a quarter of unauthorised absences from schools in England, analysis of official figures shows.’ This is not true. Looking at the figures from the … Continue reading
Student Blog: THE SUN today calls on readers to help end the benefits frauds that cost the country a record £1.2BILLION last year.
It can be argued that the statistics used within this headline are misleading and exaggerate the true extent benefit fraud is committed in Britain. For example, by looking at the annual figures for ‘overpayment’ of benefits in 2012/13 on the … Continue reading
Student Blog: Generation hopeless! How millions of young adults struggle with simple tasks like changing a lightbulb or boiling an egg!
Generation hopeless! How millions of young adults struggle with simple tasks like changing a lightbulb or boiling an egg! The story behind this headline argues that millions of young adults are struggling with simple tasks such as boiling an egg. … Continue reading
Student Blog: ‘’More than half of Muslims in UK think that homosexuality should be illegal and that teachers shouldn’t be gay’’
Link: When reading this headline for the first time, there is an instant sense that it is unlikely to be true. The headline is claiming that half of all Muslims in the UK believe homosexuality should be illegal and … Continue reading
Student Blog: “One in four people have been diagnosed with a mental illness”
This article from the website ‘Wired’ explains that one in four adults suffer from and are diagnosed with mental illness in England. This conditioned behaviours surveyed include; anxiety, phobias, eating disorders, depressing, alcohol dependency etc. The study fails to add … Continue reading
Student Blog: the average Brit spends £40K on fashion in a lifetime
This article in the Daily Star stated that the average British person spends £40,000 on fashion in a lifetime. The survey had a good sample size of 2000 respondents making it representative of the British population. Yet, this research was … Continue reading
Student Blog: Mixed new drug with statins can reduce risk of heart attack
by Jock Rayment This article found on the Times website, outlines how the combination of statins, a well-known treatment taken by an estimated 6 million Brits, along with a new “breakthrough” drug named Evolocumab can supposedly reduce the risk of … Continue reading
Student Blog: Oxford students are the hardest working in the UK, but they’re also the most miserable
Article: Headline: Oxford students are the hardest working in the UK, but they’re also the most miserable The article states that students studying in the area of Oxford are the unhappiest students in the country and from the start gives … Continue reading
Student Blog: your sofa can give you cancer
In April 2017 the Daily Mail released an article with the following headline: Your sofa can give you CANCER: Material used to fireproof settees are linked to a 74% rise in thyroid tumours. (see It can be seen that … Continue reading
Student Blog: ‘The most adulterous towns in the UK. Tunbridge Wells was most adulterous town – with 2.20 per cent having an affair’
This statement came from an article on the daily mail website which claimed Tunbridge Wells in Kent was the most adulterous town in the country UK with 2.2% having an affair. The data was created by looking at members of … Continue reading