Law of Armed Conflict

Dear all, Due to the SNCB rail strike this week, Professor Arai is unable to teach Law of Armed Conflict this Friday (9 October). A … Read more

TTP countdown

Dear all, Maybe of interest: a deal has been reached on the Trans-Pacific Partnership. The countdown for the press conference has started here: The … Read more

Results of Board of Examiners

Dear All The Board of Examiners, which was attended by our External Examiners and programme convenors, met today to consider those students who have completed … Read more

Welcome Week and Facebook

Dear all, Welcome Week update: The presentations given during Welcome Week are now available online as follows: Tuesday 22 September: Academic Director’s Welcome: Wednesday … Read more

A new doctor at BSIS!

Moritz Pieper has successfully defended his dissertation and been awarded his PhD title without corrections. His dissertation is entitled: ‘Perspectives on the Iranian nuclear programme: … Read more

Welcome back returning students

Dear returning students, I hope you had a nice summer. Please find below some instructions about the upcoming start of term – click here Returning … Read more

2015-16 Update

Dear all, We hope you have enjoyed the summer and are ready for the new academic year. Please see below for an update on building … Read more