Student Spotlight | Biomedical Science with a Year in Data Analytics

Discover why Scarlett chose to add a Year in Data Analytics to her Biomedical Science degree.

Why did you choose to study the Year in Data Analytics?

I decided to study the Year in Data Analytics as I felt uninspired and wanted to challenge myself in a new field so that I could enjoy learning something new.

How do you think studying the Year in Data Analytics will benefit you?

I’ve really fallen in love with the Year in Data Analytics, and I will definitely be looking to carry it on in further education, and maybe in future as a career.

What is it like studying the Year in Data Analytics?

I’m really enjoying it. It’s challenging at times but I’ve really been loving using R.

Is the programme different to what you expected?

I wasn’t really sure what to expect from the course if I’m honest, as it’s so different to my degree.

What is it like studying in a different school?

The teaching style is completely different to what I’ve experienced previously, but way more engaging as the class size is small. It’s hands-on as we learn through using R as we go.

Would you recommend studying the Year in Data Analytics?

100% Studying the Year in Data Analytics is the best decision I’ve made at uni. If you’re considering it, just go for it – it’s fab!


More information

For more information about the Year in Data Analytics contact our friendly admissions team on T: 01227 816539 or E:

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