Student Spotlight | Philosophy with a Year in Data Analytics

Discover why Alya chose to add a Year in Data Analytics to her Philosophy degree.

Why did you choose to study the Year in Data Analytics?

I chose to study the Year in Data Analytics as it plays an integral part in our lives and I was intrigued to learn more about it. Also, having studied logic, I was fond of formalising arguments as well as learning about probability: I thought these skills and interests would coincide well in the Year in Data Analytics.

What is it like studying the Year in Data Analytics?

Studying the course is very interesting. Having modules that are different, for example in the Synthesising Research module there is more independent research involved compared to learning about statistical principles. This is good in terms of our ability to understand different aspects of data analytics.

Is the programme different to what you expected?

Yes! The course is a lot more practical than I thought.

What is it like studying in a different school?

The School is very different to Humanities.

How do you think studying the Year in Data Analytics will benefit you?

I hope studying the Year in Data Analytics will benefit me by enhancing my employability prospects. I’m now considering a career as a data analyst.


More information

For more information about the Year in Data Analytics contact our friendly admissions team on T: 01227 816539 or E:

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