Sublime Text 2: A new IDE

I’ve recently been trying a new IDE and I’ve been so impressed I’ve decided to spread the love. Sublime Text 2 is cross platform (Windows, … Read more

BBC sprint board looks familar

A few days ago the BBC internet blog published a blog post about designing the new BBC homepage. The article itself is worth a read … Read more

Current projects

Web Development Team update – work from 17 September – 11 October 2011 This is a monthly update on the projects that we have been … Read more


The University has just started a JISC-funded project to help Universities make the most of Course Information. The driver for this project is to allow … Read more

Working with Behat

Here in the webteam we have been moving towards including an automated test suite to every piece of work that we produce.  We have focused … Read more

Week 1 portal stats

Following on from last weeks post about the amount of traffic we see on the Student Portal, I thought I’d provide some stats on the … Read more

Start of term portal stats

Tomorrow is the start of the 2011/2012 academic year, so I thought that I would give you some idea of how busy the student portal … Read more