SPS Seminar, 30 May, 2pm, Room PSLT in Ingram
Dr. Luigi Amico
invited and introduced by Jorge Quintanilla
TITLE: “Entanglement and other quantum-mechanical correlations in many-body systems”
The recent interest in aspects common to Quantum Information Theory and Condensed Matter Physics has prompted prosperous activity at the border of these two disciplines, which were far distant only a few years ago. Numerous interesting questions have been addressed so far. In particular the meaning of “quantum correlations” has been refined beyond the generic notion of “correlations in a quantum system”. The best-known example of “pure” quantum-mechanical correlation is entanglement, but other facets of quantumness have been recently evidenced in quantum systems.
In this colloquium I will summarize some of the properties of the entanglement and other quantum correlations in extended (many-body) systems. I will mostly consider interacting spins localized in a low-dimensional lattice where quantum-mechanical effects are the most pronounced. I will discuss how this perspective allows us to disclose new features of the physical behavior of the system, with potential spin-offs for the understanding of puzzling problems in Condensed Matter Physics. I will also address the problem of systems out of equilibrium, sketching how to generate and manipulate entangled states by means of many-body Hamiltonians.
Luigi Amico is an Italian physicist based at the Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of Catania and member of CNR-MATIS Excellence Centre for Condensed Matter and Material Science, Italy. He graduated at Politecnico di Torino and obtained a Ph.D. in Physics from Catania where he was appointed Lecturer and then promoted to Adjunct Professor. Prof. Amico has been visiting research fellow in numerous international institutions including Augsburg University (Germany), Universidad Autonoma and Universidad Complutense in Madrid (Spain), Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics (Canada) and the Rutheford Appleton Laboratory (UK). He is also Regular Visiting Professor at the Centre for Quantum Technologies (Singapore).
The research field of Prof. Amico is in the general area of statistical mechanics of strongly-correlated quantum many-particle systems. He combines condensed matter physics, quantum information theory and mathematical physics, with specific interest in understanding the low-temperature physics of correlated matter close to quantum phase transitions.
Prof. Amico is author of about 70 publications in international journals and delivered about 60 invited seminars.
Sponsored by the STFC‘s Centre for Materials Physics and Chemistry