Maple licensing

Maple is widely used for teaching and research within SMSAS. The software is available as a standard application on all managed Windows PCs in use within the School (teaching PCs, the PCs in the Sibson computing rooms, and Staff Managed Desktops, for example). Licensing for the standard application is “hands off”, via a centralised licensing server.

The software can also be installed locally on University-owned computers as well as downloaded for use on your personal computer. Use the link to the online store provided here:

The software needs to be activated using a purchase code. For newly downloaded installations this will be made available to you as part of the download. Licenses for Maple are periodic, lasting one year, so this needs to renewed before the expiry date. This is the end of the month of August.

As that date approaches you will see reminders like the one shown on the right. Clicking the Activate button will initiate the re-licensing sequence but you should first make sure that:

  1. You have the valid activation code (link below), and
  2. You have administrator credentials on the computer. Users of Managed Desktops who have a local installation of Maple will require assistance from the SMSAS IT Officer… Get in touch.

Access the product codes NOTE: This link requires you to provide a valid Kent login.


Using the Help->About menu item will display license information similar to this

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