The School of Anthropology and Conservation will be holding a cross-University, cross-disciplinary workshop on 6-7 May, 2016, entitled Rethinking Skill: New Ethnographic Perspectives on Expertise. … Read more
Category: Social Anthropology
Anticipating prosperity: A study of community expectations and the petroleum industry in Timor-Leste
Principal Investigator: Judith Bovensiepen
50 years, 50 stories: The dynamics of farms and farming in UKC’s backyard, 1965-2015
Principal Investigator: Raj Puri
Demography, kinship and ritual reproduction: Nuaulu cultural resilience in the ‘New Indonesia’
Principal Investigator: Professor Roy Ellen
Household survival in crisis: austerity and relatedness in Greece and Portugal
Principal Investigator: Dimitrios Theodossopoulos
Annual Kent-Kew Distinguished Ethnobotanist Lecture
The Annual Ethnobotany Lecture was founded in 2000 and is a highlight of the academic year for the postgraduate programme. It is sponsored jointly by … Read more
Managing precarity: high-skilled labourers workplace experiences in East Kent
Principal Investigator: Daniela Peluso
Legal Innovation in Papua New Guinea
Principal Investigator: Dr Melissa Demian
Pfizer today and tomorrow
Principal Investigator: Dr Daniela Peluso
Impact of ‘Walling’
Principal Investigator: Glenn Bowman