ESRC Transformative Research Scheme: Internal Competition

The ESRC has recently launched a call for applications in ‘Transformative Research’.

This is a pilot scheme, and is only open to institutions that have received more than £100k of ESRC funding last year. Thus, Kent is eligible. The scheme is offering £250k for a project starting no later than 1 June 2013 and lasting no more than 18 months.

The deadline for applications is 24 January. The University is only allowed to submit one application. In order to select Kent’s application, there will be a brief internal selection process. If you would like to apply, please could you send me by 14 Dec 2012:
• A CV (max 2 sides of A4)
• A draft of your proposed research (including names of collaborators), and why your idea should be put forward for the call (max 2 sides of A4).

These will be discussed and a decision made by a small panel convened by Prof John Baldock in the week following the closing date, and applicants will be informed by 21 December. This will allow the successful applicant a month to put together the simple outline that the ESRC has requested.

More detail of the scheme is available via the link above If you have any specific questions, don’t hesitate to get in touch.

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Early Career Researcher Network

Grants Factory

 Designing a Realistic Research Project 

28 November  2012, 2-4pm

Cornwallis NW Seminar Room 6 (Directions and map here)

The next Grants Factory event is aimed at early career researchers (ECRs), but is open to all Kent staff. Led by Prof Peter Taylor-Gooby (SSPSSR) and Prof Elizabeth Mansfield (SMSAS), it will look at how to construct a realistic research project.

Designing a research project can be a daunting prospect, and issues you need to address may include choosing the right methodology, selecting participants or including appropriate material, addressing ethical issues, managing staff, identifying milestones, working with collaborators, and disseminating your findings. Profs Taylor-Gooby and Mansfield have had considerable experience in designing projects in very different areas: Taylor-Gooby works in social policy, Mansfield in applied mathematics. However, their experience will be relevant to academics in all disciplines.

The event is free, and refreshments will be provided, but please do let Phil Ward know if you intend to come along.

The full Grants Factory programme is available on the SharePoint website, together with slides and notes from all recent events.

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