The University has a subscription to Research Professional, which is the leading database of all research funding opportunities that are currently available. We have recently extended our subscription to include a new service they are planning to launch, ‘Funding Insight’. This will provide some ‘value added’ information for applicants, such as:
- Details from the Research Councils, Wellcome and Leverhulme on previous award winners for specific schemes. This will help you to see whether a particular scheme is right for you;
- News about scheme changes, analysis of funding trends and interviews with programme managers, so that you can be ahead of the curve for what’s on the horizon.
- ‘Know how’ from a range of experienced investigators, officers and managers about putting together a successful bid.
- Four separate disciplinary ‘channels’, which will gather relevant information, statistics and analysis into one place for your area.
The new service will start on 10 April. Shortly after, they are offering ‘webinars’ to talk you through the new site. I would encourage you to take part in order to make the most of this potentially very valuable service. The dates are below; click on any to sign up.
- Thursday 11th April, 10.30 – 11.30
- Tuesday 16th April, 13.00 – 13.30
- Friday 19th April, 15.00 – 15.30
If you aren’t able to make any of these dates, do get in touch with your Faculty Funding Officer who can come over and show you how it works. The Officers are:
- Humanities: Lynne Bennett
- Social Sciences: Brian Lingley
- Sciences: Carolyn Barker & Helen Leech
Grants Factory: Responding to Reviewers’ Comments – 27 March
Most of the Research Councils (and some other funders) allow you to respond to the comments that their reviewers give your application. Often the comments seem uninformed, and it’s easy – and tempting ! – to respond quickly and angrily to these. However, there is a knack to dealing with them effectively, and if you can master this you can turn round the negative feedback and actually get your applications funded. The workshop will led by Dr Peter Bennett (DICE) and Dr Simon Kirchin (SECL). Both have had considerable experience as applicants, reviewers and panel members, Peter for NERC and Simon for AHRC. Their insight and advice will be relevant to academics in all three faculties, as there are common themes that apply to funders in all disciplines.
The event will take place on Wed 27 March, 12-2pm, in Woolf Seminar Room 6. It is free and open to all staff, and lunch will be provided. Do let me know if you would like to come along.