Wednesday 28th June, time tbc
Venue: Room tbc, Canterbury Campus, University of Kent
As part of a planned fellowship week, we will be holding three workshops on the 28th June on European fellowships:
- ERC Starting and Consolidator Grant: For early-career academics or postdocs with a strong track record of research for their career stage and wishing to explore a significant research question.
- ERC Advanced Grants: For mid-senior academic who have a strong track record of research and impact and who wish to explore the most compelling research questions in their field.
- Marie Sklodowska-Curie Individual fellowships: For academic supervisors of promising postdocs who would like to move to the UK for a 2-year fellowships position.
The workshops are intended for applicants who are thinking of applying this year. Timetable of calls:
- ERC Starting: Opening July 2017, Deadline Oct 2017 (tbc)
- ERC Consolidator: Opening Oct 2017, Deadline Feb 2017 (tbc)
- ERC Advanced: Opening 16 May 2017, Deadline 31 Aug 2017 (tbc)
- MSCA Individual Fellowships: Opened 11 April 2017, Deadline 14 Sep 2017
More details to follow, but please register your interest here if you’d like to attend.