We’ve almost finalised the programme of Grants Factory and Early Career Researcher Network events for 2016/17. More details will be available soon, and a full listing will be in Research Active, which will go out in mid-October.
The first event will look at the ‘essential elements of a successful application’. Everyone’s research is different, but successful funding proposals share a number of common elements. Mastering these is essential if your application is going to get the consideration it deserves, no matter how good your underlying research idea is. This session will look at these, and will provide insights into how to get them right.
This will be held at the Canterbury campus, but will be run again at the Medway campus on 24 February 2017.The speakers come from very different disciplines, but it is their diverse backgrounds which is their strength: it shows that, whether you’re applying to the AHRC or the BBSRC, you need to understand these key elements. Mick Tuite is Professor of Molecular Biology in the School of Biosciences and Paul Allain is Professor of Theatre and Performance in the School of Arts. Using real life examples, they will share their experience and knowledge, and you should come away from the session with the basic tools for constructing a successful proposal. To get a sense of what will be covered, have a look at notes from previous sessions here and here.
The event is free and open to all, and lunch will be provided. However, places are limited, and it is always well attended, so do let me know if you would like to come.