Following the two previous GROW events that focussed on the Newton Fund and Japanese Research Funding, the third in the series will look closer to home, at funding available from the EC.
Every year we host a visit by a representative of the UK Research Office in Brussels (UKRO). UKRO was set up by the UK Research Councils, and offers an invaluable insight into European funding, particularly Horizon 2020, demystifying some of the confusing terminology and processes, and offering advice on what is essential and what is desirable in an H2020 application.
This year Maribel Glogowski will be visiting on 27 April, and the provisional programme is given below. If you would like to come to any of the four parts, do please let me know. The venue will be confirmed in due course.
10:00 Arrive
10:30 European Research Council
A session aimed specifically at the Humanities and Social Science faculties. Attendance is by invitation, and your Faculty Funding Officer will be in touch with more detail.
12:00 Lunch
A chance for H2020 applicants and award holders from all disciplines to meet and talk informally to Maribel.
12:30 Forthcoming Societal Challenges
The majority of H2020 funding comes through the third ‘pillar’, which offers funding to find solutions to some of the biggest problems facing the continent. Calls are issued in specific areas, structured around seven sub-programmes:
- Health (€7.3 billion)
- Food, water, forestry, bioeconomy (€3.7 billion)
- Energy (€5.7 billion)
- Transport (€6.1 billion)
- Climate action, environment, resource efficiency, and raw materials (€3 billion)
- European society (€1.3 billion)
- Security (€1.6 billion)
Maribel will highlight forthcoming challenges, and explain some of the context. In addition, Jan Lowe (International Partnerships) will say a few words about Erasmus and internal funding that is available to facilitate research collaborations at an early stage.
14:00 Surgery Session
For those planning an application or currently working on one, a chance to talk to Maribel individually.
15:00 Depart