Research Services is linking up with Information Services to run an afternoon of Open Access. This is an opportunity for anyone working at Kent to find out more about what it means to publish via open access routes, what support is available, and what costs are incurred.
Schedule of events
- Opening address introducing Open Access at Kent
- Lightning talks covering:
- KRIMSON – the new system which collates Kent’s research activities
- KAR – the University’s institutional repository
- ORCID – how to get your unique researcher identifier
- Research Data Management
- The current APC (article processing charges) process
- Copyright
- Open Journal System
- Final address by Steven Hill from HEFCE
The foyer of Woolf College will be an Open Access marketplace, with stands for those giving lightning talks to allow further conversation for those dropping in during the afternoon. There will also be training sessions on KAR and KRIMSON and the opportunity to sign up for an ORCID.
For more information and to sign up to attend go to