9 October 2013
Keynes Seminar Room 12
Professor Charles Forsdick, AHRC Theme Leadership Fellow for ‘Translating Cultures’ and Professor of French at the University of Liverpool will be visiting the University on Thursday 9 October. As AHRC Theme Leader, Professor Forsdick works closely with senior AHRC programmes staff to develop partnerships within and beyond academia. This is an ideal opportunity to learn about AHRC plans for the future of the theme and to hear about the research we are doing across the Faculty of Humanities in the area of ‘Translating Cultures’.
His visit will consist of the following:
14.20 Tea & Coffee on arrival
14.30 – 15.15 AHRC Translating Cultures talk by Professor Forsdick (title TBC)
15.15 – 16.00 A series of brief talks by AHRC Translating Cultures award holders and other award holders working in the area of ‘Translating Cultures’.
All are welcome, and tea and coffee will be provided.
Do let Lynne Bennett (l.bennett-282@kent.ac.uk) know if you would like to attend.