Tuesday 5th December, 1pm-3pm
Medway Campus
Medway Building, M2.05
Everyone’s research is different, but successful funding proposals share a number of common elements. Mastering these is essential if your application is going to get the consideration it deserves, no matter how good your underlying research idea is. Often starting an application; converting a research idea into a cohesive application can be daunting and submitting an idea to the funder for expert review – terrifying. Prevarication, together with a lack of time and confidence are often factors which contribute to funding application not being finished or submitted. It is known, that on average, UoK Academics do not apply for as many grants as our peers at similar Institutions.
In this Medway based Grants Factory event, Professor Alistair Mathie (Medway School of Pharmacy), Professor Ian McLoughlin and Dr Anna Jordanous (School of Computing) will share their experiences of applying for research funding ; the hurdles, the disappointments and the successes. They will discuss their interaction with Funders (Research Council and Industrial), panel experience and the preparation of interdisciplinary and cross disciplinary proposals. They will also lead a discussion on the application process, what stops people applying for funding and practical steps which can undertaken.
This session will be informal, is not Faculty/ subject specific and is open to all.
Lunch will be provided, please let Helen Leech (h.leech@kent.ac.uk) know if you are planning to attend so she can order the catering