If you’re interested in applying to Horizon2020, the EU’s research funding programme, then the new, 2018 draft work programmes are essential reading.
Although off-putting in size, these documents outline all the calls, budgets and deadlines for the next three years: 2018 – 2021 (with the exception of the ERC that publishes annually). Use the main menu at the start of each WP to navigate to your area of interest and buy yourself months of extra time before the calls are published later in the year.
All Horizon2020 awards will be underwritten by the UK Government for the full duration of the project if submitted before Mar 2019. Apply whilst we still can!
Please do not place the work programmes on an external website, until the official launch in Autumn.
Any questions, please contact me, Carolyn Barker, on cmb47@kent.ac.uk.
Excellent Science
Societal Challenges
- Societal Challenge 1: Health, Demographic Change and Wellbeing
- Societal Challenge 2: Food Security, Sustainable Agriculture and Forestry, Marine, Maritime and Inland Water Research and the Bioeconomy
- Societal Challenge 4: Smart, Green and Integrated Transport
- Societal Challenge 5: Climate action, environment, resource efficiency and raw materials
- Societal Challenge 6: Europe in a Changing World: Key elements of the work programme
- Societal Challenge 7: Secure Societies