The Leverhulme Trust has recently launched the latest round of Leadership Awards.
These are prestigious awards aimed at early career researchers* who have an idea for a potentially exciting and important research project, but have not yet had a chance to develop it. They offer £800k-£1m for up to 5 years, and will provide funding for research assistants and research students. You can also apply for a limited amount of associated costs (such as travel and subsistence), but not replacement teaching costs.
Leverhulme only allow one application per institution. In the last round Dr Will Pettigrew (History) was selected to be the University’s nomination, and went on to win one of the awards.
In order to select Kent’s application, there will be a brief internal selection process. If you would like to apply, please could you send me by 8 Feb 2016:
- A CV (max 2 sides of A4);
- An outline of your proposed research, and why you should be put forward for the Award (max 2 sides of A4).
These will be discussed and a decision made by a small panel convened by Prof Philippe De Wilde shortly after the closing date. This will allow the successful candidate 3 months to prepare the external application to Leverhulme.
More detail of the scheme is available here. If you have any specific questions, don’t hesitate to get in touch.
*defined as an academic who has ‘held a university post for at least two years but will not yet have developed their academic career such that the trajectory of their research contribution has become firmly established.’