What Makes a Good SDAI Application?
1-2pm, Thursday 4th February, Woolf Seminar Room 4
The ESRC have recently launched the revamped Secondary Data Analysis Initiative (SDAI). This scheme provides funding for researchers to deliver high-quality high-impact research through the deeper exploitation of major data resources created by the ESRC and other agencies. Previously, they have run targeted deadline driven SDAI competitions. In the future, the scheme will run as an open call with no deadlines, in the same way as their Research Grants scheme. They will ring fence part of the funding for targeted calls, the first of which will be with the Department for Education, but the majority of the funding will be available for researcher-defined, responsive projects. Details of how to apply to the scheme (including information on eligible datasets) can be found on their website.
We are fortunate that Dr Tina Haux, Lecturer in Quantitative Sociology/Criminology in SSPSSR, was a panel member for previous SDAI calls, and has generously offered to share her experiences with potential applicants. We will therefore be running a Grants Factory event on the 4th February 13:00 -14:00.
Please let Brian Lingley know if you would like to attend, or if you are thinking of applying to the scheme.