4 March 2015, 12 noon
Peter Brown Room, Darwin College
Rejection is an integral part of academic life. Whether you’re applying for jobs or for funding, submitting journal articles or book proposals, or putting yourself forward for promotion, academics need to develop a thick skin in order to survive and thrive. But rejection need not be crushing: there are strategies for overcoming it and support available for coping with it. In the second ECR Network meeting of this term Prof DarrenGriffin (Biosciences) and Prof Ray Laurence (SECL) will talk about their experiences of rejection in their careers, and how they moved on from them. The session will allow participants to hear from each other, and learn about what works for others.
The session is free and open to all, and lunch, tea and coffee will be available. However do let Phil Ward (p.ward@kent.ac.uk) know if you intend to come along so that he can get an idea of numbers.
More information on the Grants Factory and ECR Network sessions this term is available here.