The Research Councils have moved away from requesting final reports on grants in order to collect outcomes information on an ongoing basis using a harmonised collection of research project outcomes using the Researchfish system which has been used by MRC and STFC for a number of years.
All PIs and Co-Is with Research Council funded awards will receive an email with details of the Research Councils’ move to using Researchfish as our harmonised outcomes collection system. This will explain to grant holders that if they do not have an existing Researchfish account, they will receive an email from Researchfish between 12th and 19th September detailing the actions they need to take.
Once they have registered with the Researchfish system, grant holders will automatically see a list of their Research Council grants, and any migrated data previously submitted under the old Research Outcomes System. Grant holders will be able to start entering information about the outputs and outcomes of their Research Council funding as soon as they have created their account. They can also add information to Researchfish at any time during the year. There will now be an annual ‘submission period’. This is a period each year where grant holders are asked to formally confirm that the information is accurate and up-to-date, or confirm a nil submission, if no outputs or outcomes have emerged yet from their research. This year the submission period will be 16th October to 13th November 2014.
Further information can be found at Sue Prout ( will also be happy to help with any queries PIs may have on the outcomes collection process.