The latest tranche of internal research funding in the Faculty of Sciences is open for applications.
- amount available: £5,000 +
- Bids to be submitted to School DoRs by 5th May 2014 (deadline for School DoRs to submit to Faculty: 8th May).
- School DoR writes an accompanying statement of support.
- Results announced end of May 2014.
Criteria: Excellence. Make a case that this funding will develop your research over the next few years. For example, it may deliver/enable some combination of high quality research, grow your international reputation, prepare for a grant bid (including Horizon 2020 although the PVC (Research) also has a fund to support Large and Complex Grant applications), or help to host expert visitors. Funding applications are open to both lecturers, etc and post-docs. Applications from early career researchers are welcomed.
Format: Send 1 page of A4 maximum (font: Ariel 11pt, or Times New Roman 12pt minimum) case (PDF) to your School’s Director of Research by the deadline as above. Explain the criteria by which we will be able to assess your achievements afterwards. Include a timeline for the spend and activity.
Amount: This is up to you. £500, a few thousand…it is highly unlikely that a single bid will win it all (on that sort of scale you need School or external funding).
Results from Tranche 1 (from the end of 2013). Results from Trance 2 not yet available.
More information here: