Paul Woodgate from the Wellcome Trust’s Society and Ethics programme has offered to come and speak to staff about the Trust’s recently expanded remit in the area. The previously bioethics-focussed strand has been widened to include more scope for other relevant disciplines to seek research support.
The programme supports research into the social and ethical aspects of biomedical research and health, with the ultimate aim of achieving improvements in human and animal health. This could include questions about social roles, perceptions of risk and uncertainty, public attitudes and behaviour, and/or increasing our understanding of the causes of health inequalities. It could also look at key concepts deployed in ethical analysis.
He will be giving a talk at 2pm on 24 October (venue TBC). It’s free, all are welcome, and tea and coffee will be provided. However, do let me know if you would like to come so that I can get an idea of numbers.
Paul has also offered to run a ‘surgery’ session afterwards, so that individuals can talk about the specifics of their projects. If you would like to have a slot, do let me know.
More detail on Wellcome’s Society and Ethics Programme is available here: