On 9 May we will be joining in the University’s celebrations for ‘Europe Day’ by holding two European Grants Factory events.
12:00 – 13:00 An Overview of Horizon 2020
Sobia Aslam (UKRO)
Rutherford Lecture Theatre 2
Sobia Aslam from the UK Research Office in Brussels (UKRO) will provide an overview of the EU’s new funding programme for research, Horizon 2020. It will succeed Framework Programme 7 (FP7) in January next year. It has a proposed €80 billion budget (a 46% increase over FP7), will bring together both research and innovation, and is intended to simplify the process of applying to the EC. Draft work programmes will start to emerge over the summer, so now is an excellent time to find out more about the new framework.
In addition, Sobia will be holding a surgery session after lunch to discuss individual applications, or focus on specific issues. So if you have questions about H2020, or perhaps have a Marie Curie application on the go, get in touch to book a slot.
13:00-13:30 – Lunch
13:30-15:00 – European Funding: is it for me?
Prof Simon Thompson (Computing) & Jenny Billings (CHSS)
Rutherford Lecture Theatre 2
This is a rerun of last year’s sell-out seminar that offers a warts and all view of the European funding. The EC is notorious for the complexity of its applications, but unlike the UK funding for research is ringfenced and growing. Jenny Billings (CHSS) and Simon Thompson (Computing), both veterans of EU funding, offer their insights into the highs and lows of applying for, managing and reviewing European applications.
The events are free, but do let me know if you are planning to come so that I can make sure there’s enough space and catering for all.