Spring Round Up

Something to get psyched about… We can help you climb the hierarchy of needs, as the school has been placed highly on both UK and … Read more

ABP BizPsych Cup success!

Students from the university of Kent presented their solutions around the challenge of allyship in the workplace to a real world business. This year, 9 … Read more

March Round Up

Did you know it was International Happiness Day this month? From the relationships between mothers with post natal depression and their babies, to the playground … Read more

October News RoundUp

October has been a very political month, hasn’t it?! The Political Psychology Lab have been busy: we discovered how conspiracy theories can help politicians’ reputations … Read more

June News RoundUp

Connection and Pride were the themes of the month, as we continue to rebuild local relationships post-pandemic and celebrate our academic staff and postgraduate research … Read more

February News RoundUp

As the UK puts Covid regulations behind it, we explore the long lasting effects of Covid 19 on our memory, our societal views, on conspiracy … Read more

July News RoundUp

Building community, engagement and civic mission in Canterbury this summer. We celebrated our Finalists! On Friday 16 July, the School of Psychology came together to … Read more

June News RoundUp

The most extraordinary academic year comes to an end, summer gets into full swing and as usual, the school is researching how we’re all responding … Read more

May News RoundUp

This month its been exam season for many, which hasn’t stopped us enjoying our campus come rain or shine, or collaborating on leading research about … Read more