January News RoundUp

Pride and prejudice: a recent study discovers that a sense of National Pride is essential for successful adoption of health messages in a pandemic. Also … Read more

2021 News RoundUp

Did the global pandemic make you re-evaluate? What happens when a global pandemic, a vaccine-resistance movement, and the age of conspiracy collide? After another extraordinary … Read more

November News RoundUp

Read our recent findings about how we have reacted to Covid 19 as a society, how children respond to anti-prejudice workshops and how we’re getting … Read more

October News RoundUp

Our academics have had some amazing research award news this month, we’ve been the first to explore some ground-breaking research areas and had a visit … Read more

September News RoundUp

Its been an absolute joy welcoming everyone back to campus this month! And over 400 new students to the school! We’re also celebrating some big … Read more


After a quiet year on campus with most learning and working from home, it was amazing to see the Canterbury campus come back to life … Read more