Lauren Montgomery is a final year law student at the University of Kent. She has volunteered her time at the Kent Law Clinic and current is working on a case with Graham Tegg, the director of Kent Law Clinic. In her interview she discusses the perks of being a Kent Law Student, with insight into campus life and transferable skills.
Describe Kent in three words:
Exciting, Diverse and Ambitious
Student Life
What attracted you to study at Kent?
I chose the University of Kent because of its critical approach to teaching and studying the law.
Do you have any advice to somebody thinking of coming to Kent?
I would strongly recommend that students take some time to get involved with the Clinic. There are several law clinic action groups – it’s a great way to learn and to meet lots of people.
I would recommend that students enjoy the experience. Law school can be stressful, and it is definitely hard work. But it is also amazing to be able to pursue your dream, and I hope that students take the time to really enjoy their success and hard work. Find friends that support you and your goals!
How would you describe your fellow students?
I have learned a lot from the students in my seminars, the other student clerks and the students I have met in the Lawyering Skills modules. I would describe them as very hardworking and driven.
What about the social life? Are you part of any societies?
I am a member of the Canadian Law Society, and I am a co-editor of the Kent Law Review. I am also a member of Kent Women in Law, which is not a university society but is based in the Kent area and is an amazing group that has provided lots of support and resources since I have started. They also have amazing events that have been both fun and have helped me develop my career.
What are your favourite places on campus?
My favourite place is the Kent Law clinic, and my favourite coffee shop is the Library café.
Law Student Insights
How would you describe your lecturers?
I think the University of Kent has many talented lecturers, who provide the critical lens that is required in the contemporary practice of the law. The world is constantly changing, and the legal system is always facing new and complex issues – the critical approach that lecturers use provides students with the tools we need to be effective and skilled lawyers in an ever complex legal system.
“The level of support at Kent is amazing. There are so many resources, and the lecturers and seminar instructors really want to see students succeed and thrive.”
Which modules have you enjoyed the most and why?
I really enjoy Law & Social Change with Dr Mo Afshary, and Land Law with Dr Matt Howard and Mary Jiyani. They are all really incredible instructors, and I have learned a lot about the course content, but also how to engage with the law.
How is your course going?
I think it is going well so far. I am loving the modules and have enjoyed my time at Kent quite a bit.
Kent Law Clinic Tips
What was your favourite part of getting involved in the Clinic?
I love working with the other clinic ambassadors and clinic solicitors to organise events for students, and to help make the clinic more accessible and comfortable place for students. One of my favourite events this year was helping to organise a bake sale for national pro-bono week.
What did you learn at the Clinic that will be key for your future career?
I have been able to learn a lot of tangible skills, like how to interview clients and how to deal with challenging issues. I was also able to sharpen some of the skills I learned in the Client Interviewing Lawyering Skills Module. But I would say that one thing I have learned from being around the Clinic Ambassadors and the Solicitors is that law clinics can empower people, and they can be spaces of empowerment. Something I will take forward into my career is making sure that no matter what role I am in that I am working to empower others and clients.
Did you develop a passion for a specific area of Law? If so, which one and why?
I have participated in many of the law clinic action groups, but one that I really enjoyed and have a passion for is Housing Law. I have learned a lot from Vivien Gambling over the course of the last year and a bit, including some of the technical pieces of housing law. I am passionate about housing law because I believe that everyone should be able to have access to a safe and healthy home.
What kind of career do you hope to follow when you leave?
I hope to continue a path in financial law, and I hope to continue doing pro-bono legal work throughout my career.