Kent Law Fair offers excellent networking opportunity for aspiring lawyers!

Kent’s annual Law Fair on Wednesday 30 October offers an excellent opportunity for law students and non-law students to network with leading local, national and international law firms.

The Fair, organised by members of Kent Student Law Society (KSLS), will be held from 1pm – 4pm in Eliot Hall on Kent’s Canterbury campus.

Law firms attending this year include two Magic Circle firms – Clifford Chance and Freshfields Bruckhaus Deringer – together with:

The Fair is open to all Kent students with an interest in pursuing a legal career. Anyone thinking of attending is encouraged to attend a preparatory talk in the preceding week from 6pm to 8pm on Monday 28 October in Eliot Lecture Theatre. At the preparatory talk, students will be given advice on how to maximise the opportunity to network and explore career options.

Law Fair Organiser Yoginni Gopal said: ‘I am very excited about the Law Fair because we have many amazing firms attending. This is such a great chance to network and get your name out there! Remember, this will be useful when applying for vacation schemes and training contracts. But that’s not all, there will also be education providers who can help you in deciding on your preferred route, whether that be applying for the BPTC, LPC or GDL. They can also help you with the SQE if you have questions.’

Other organisations manning a stand at this year’s event include:

Follow KSLS’s Facebook page for Law Fair news and updates.

KSLS is one of five student law societies at Kent Law School. Its primary aim is to support students exploring the option of a career in law as a solicitor. The Society holds talks, CV and interview workshops, and seminars with professionals from different careers and backgrounds throughout the term. It also offers a broad range of social events, including the Annual Law Dinner in February where students can wine and dine with legal professionals.

Call for Law Fair volunteers!

Kent Student Law Society need 12 volunteers to help ensure the smooth running of the Law Fair. As a volunteer, you’ll be directing exhibitors to the car parks, helping to carry materials, handing out feedback forms, welcoming visitors. Morning shifts (10am – 1pm) and afternoon shifts (1pm – 4.30pm) are available with places being allocated on a first come, first serve basis – email by Sunday 20 October if you’re interested!