Chief Superintendent Adrian Futers, the Head of Criminal Justice at Kent Police, has been invited to speak to students about his role on Wednesday 4 March.
The talk is one of a series of guest speaker events organised by the Criminal Justice Project (CJP) team based at Kent Law Clinic.
After almost 28 years service in policing, Chief Superintendent Adrian Futers has developed a wide range of experience as an Investigator, Intelligence Officer and Operational Commander. He currently leads the Strategic Partnership Command which includes both the Criminal Justice and Community Safety portfolios for Kent Police.
Adrian has worked alongside colleagues from the CPS, Courts Service, Magistrates Association, Crown Court Judges and the Law Society to develop a number of initiatives, including the exploitation of video technology across the Criminal Justice Sector, where Kent is seen as the national lead.
He will shortly be taking up the Divisional Commander role in the north of the county, with responsibility for policing across Dartford, Gravesham, Medway & Swale.
The Chief Superintendent’s talk will begin at 3pm in Keynes Lecture Theatre 3 (Keynes College). Further details are available on the event’s Facebook page. You can also follow the Chief Superintendent on Twitter: @ChiefSuptFuters
The next CJP guest speaker lined up for this term is Helen Smith-Tomlinson, a Kent alumnus and a Probation Officer with Thanet Probation Office, Margate. She will be speaking on Tuesday 31 March at 6pm in GS3 (Grimond)
The sessions last for one hour and are open to both students and staff, with questions welcomed from the floor.