An exciting new project designed to help undergraduate law students develop research skills and actively engage with Kent Law School’s vibrant research culture will be launched with a roundtable discussion next week.
The Developing Undergraduate Research Project is a unique initiative led by Professor Maria Drakopoulou and created specifically for Kent Law School students.
Professor Drakopoulou is keen for students to consider why university education is so strongly associated with research, how research relates to the production of knowledge and what it means to be a member of a critical law school: ‘This new project integrates relevant activities across all three degree stages; with existing elements such as the dissertation module and the Student Law Review being complemented by roundtable discussions, specific training workshops, and interactions with teachers in regards to their academic research. Through their participation, as well as learning how to do effective research in law, our students will also come to understand and critically engage with research within its wider institutional and social context. In so doing, they will not only develop valuable skills to better equip their CV (and thereby boost their employability), but also recognise career possibilities across a much wider range of research-related trajectories, both within and beyond the legal professions. Perhaps more importantly however, they will gain a more comprehensive understanding of and critical engagement with the nature of the legal academy of which they are now a part.’
Although participation in the project is optional, and will not be formally assessed, Professor Drakopoulou is keen to encourage as many students as possible to take advantage of the opportunity to actively engage with research at Kent Law School. All are welcome to attend the project’s first event ‘Why Research?’ from 6pm – 8pm on Tuesday 16 October in Keynes Seminar Room 15 (KS15). This interactive event will feature a roundtable discussion with four Law School academics: Dr Suhraiya Jivraj, Dr Ed Kirton-Darling, Dr Rose Sydney Parfitt, and Dr Connal Parsley.