Kent’s Centre for Critical International Law (CeCIL) is launching its autumn term programme of events with a Speaker Night on international advocacy work by Dr Ioannis Kalpouzos of City University of London.
Dr Kalpouzos will speak about ‘Critical transnational lawyering: the experience of the Global Legal Action Network (GLAN)’ at 6pm on Tuesday 9 October in the Moot Room (Wigoder Law Building). He will discuss advocacy work undertaken with GLAN, a recently created independent non-profit that aims to combine the expertise of legal academics and practitioners, as well as investigative journalists, to design innovative transnational legal actions.
The talk will discuss the theory behind and the practical challenges of specific projects – for example a collaboration with the Stanford International Human Rights Clinic in developing a communication to the International Criminal Court in relation to Australia’s practice of offshore detention of asylum seekers here and the development of a climate change human rights litigation. The talk will also discuss the challenges in the creation and development of an interdisciplinary non-profit and independent organisation and the links between practice and the impact of (critical and socio-legal) scholarship. It will also address the developing of sustained relationships of clinical education and the use of clinical education for specific projects and educational experience in relation to the mobilisation of critical scholarship and the establishment of contacts with critical practitioners.
The purpose of CeCIL Speaker Nights (open to all staff and students) is to expose Kent LLM (Master’s in Law) and PhD students of international law to a wide spectrum of ideas and opinions on a variety of topics in order to complement their critical thinking and to foster research links between Law School staff with overlapping areas of interest.
Future CeCIL events include:
CeCIL Speaker Nights (6pm Moot Room, Wigoder Law Building)
- Tuesday 9 October: Dr Ioannis Kalpouzos (City University, London; Member, Legal Action Committee, Global Legal Action Network) – ‘Critical transnational lawyering: the experience of the Global Legal Action Network (GLAN)’
- Tuesday 16 October: Matthew Nicholson (Durham University) – ‘Postmodernism and the Future of International Law’
- Tuesday 30 October: Wouter Werner (Vrije University Amsterdam) – ‘To Walk Before, To Talk Again: Recalling the Past in Preambles to Security Council Resolutions’
- Tuesday 6 November: Joint CeCIL/Centre for Critical Thought event, Bogomir Doringer (mixed media artist) – ‘Hospitality (on medical conditions arising from the use of depleted uranium in armed conflict) and FACELESS: Re-inventing privacy through subversive media strategies
- Tuesday 13 November: Michelle Staggs Kelsall (SOAS) – ‘Human Rights Incorporated? Business and Human Rights in the Global Economy’
CeCIL International Law Skills & Employability Programme (6pm Moot Room, Wigoder Law Building)
- Tuesday 20 November: Essay Writing Workshop
CeCIL Annual Lecture (6pm Aphra Foyer/GLT1)
- Thursday 29 November: Professor Richard Drayton (Kings College London) – ‘The Right to Property vs. the Property of Rights: the British Empire and Private International Law (preceded by a reception in the Grimond Building’s Aphra Foyer)
CeCIL’s wider aim is to foster critical approaches to the field of international law, and other areas of law that touch upon global legal problems, through promoting collaboration and exchange at Kent Law School and within the broader scholarly community. Follow CeCIL on Twitter and Facebook for all the latest updates.